I wake up after sleeping for long time, but still feel dizzy. I go to find Sam and David, and had my Tuna fish and Milo (chocolate drink) 3 in 1 for breakfast. After some conversation, we found that the Guang Zhou guy is actually heading to Tibet, and he encouraged us to enter as well. "Three of you looks like Chinese from Guang Zhou, and you speak Mandarin fluently, they won't suspect you are foreigners!" But we did not enter Tibet eventually, because we have not prepare the proper attire, the contacts for accomdation and where to visit.
华山的侧面 Side View of Hua Shan
翠绿的油菜花和西安古城 Rape petal and Xi An Ancient City
途中所见的河南/陕西边界风光 Scenery at the border of He Nan and Shan Xi
Although we feel very cold, but we still need to take a photo showing that we enjoy it!
We found that in China, the view for different provinces are totally different. In Hu Nan, we can see lots of green grass, small streams, bridges and villages. In He Nan, there are not many rivers, but we still can see plenty of farms and rape petal. But after we passed by Shan Xi, we can only see the loess plateau, full of sands and rocks. By taking the train, we get to know how huge the China is!
The two Chinese are very talkative, they chit-chat many issues from geographical topics, military, society illness, what they see when they travel, and how the people around the world look at the emerge of China. We should be grateful to know them, as they tell us many faces of China and the Chinese culture. The guy from Lan Zhou even let us sit on his bed, just to snap the view of Hua Shan and Xi An ancient city.
We decided to have a better lunch today, so we ordered the meal and eat at the "restaurant" in train. The food is not as bad as we think, but very expensive! Finally, it is 6pm, so i make a call to Sangzhu Youth Hostel, and found out that the hostel is full! The boss told me that they can't finish the renovation on time, so he introduce us to another youth hostel.
8pm, we reached Xi Ning after 31 hours of tiring and loooooonnnnng journey. I am so eager to run out the train for fresh air, but end up shivering like hell... Although we know that it will be very cold in Xi Ning, we still feel like screaming, it is soooo colddd! The people in hostel tell us that it is nearly 0 degree that time, phew~~
有趣的标语,连英文都懒得翻译~~晕倒! What a good translation! Do you understand?
好不容易熬住走出了车站,我急忙去寻找出租车到石坡街去,一问价竟然是30元。当时我知道应该是被砍菜头了,但环顾四周有没有其他的交通工具(都是同一伙 人),加上我们也不知道石坡街有多远,就只好乖乖引项就砍了。路上我假装问司机有没有到青海湖和其他地点,价格如何等,以作为将来的参考,了解一下他们是 怎样砍人的~~(后来才知道,原来这一段路只值7元,果然被宰了)
After walking out from the railway station, i rush to the only pool of taxi drivers, hoping to get a ride to Shi Po street. When the driver told me it cost RMB30, i know that i was being "slaughtered". But it seems like we got no other choices, no other transportation around, and not many people passed by as well, so we have no choice but accept the expensive ride. (Eventually, we find out that the journey actually cost RMB7 only!) I pretend to be innocent and ask about the prices to go to places around Xi Ning, so that we know how much the taxi drivers will charge if they want to cheat you.
鹏、嫣和小强合照。 David, Sam and Xiao Qiang
鹏、嫣和小飞合照。 David, Sam and Xiao Fei
终于轮到我出场了~~~ David, Sam and ME finally~~~
Finally, we reached the Xi Liang Inn Youth Hostel. Although the hostel is still under renovation, we manage to get a spaceful room. The friendly boss Yuan Wai come from Bei Jing, he is also an enthusiastic backpacker. We get to know his wife and two other travellers Xiao Fei and Xiao Qiang. They are "kidnapped" by the boss to help out temporarily. When we told them we are very hungry, Xiao Fei and Xiao Qiang immediately bring us to the nearest restaurant to have the most famous food in Xi Ning -- toasted mutton!
烤羊肉 Toasted mutton
烤羊杂 The organs of lamp
超级多的面 Noodles, damn a lot!
饿了4个小时的馋相 This is how we look like after starving for 4 hours
According to Xiao Qiang, Xiao Fei can eat 5kg of mutton in normal meal, but we already very full after eating half kg! Somemore, the noodles is damn alot, now we know that Chinese people do eat a lot compare to us. Xiao Fei said he is "on diet", so he try not to look at the mutton, else he will end up eating all of them, haha.... Xiao Qiang is actually from Miao ethnic group, and she starts travelling after losing her job.
It is indeed a very good dinner! When we reached the hostel, I heard that the boss is speaking broken Cantonese (oops..) with another 2 girls. The two Hong Kong girls are so excited when they know that we speak Cantonese, and start flooding us with what they had experience for past few days. I bet they have not speak with people that understand Cantonese for a long time! Too bad they have to leave by tomorrow, else we can travel together. I was wondering how they communicate with each other since the boss know limited Cantonese, while the Hong Kong girls know limited Mandarin. Haha, as long as the important messages are conveyed, who care!
The boss Yuan Wai introduce us a reliable taxi driver to take us to Tar Lamasery, the whole trip cost only RMB100, which is cheaper than we expect. I think we meet good people this time, thank GOD!
我们的3人间 Our hostel (Big big bed that can sleep one and a half person)
We spent our cold night in Xi Ning, which is also the second night in China. Good Night!
西宁伊斯兰妇女的装扮(对不起,我出卖了你~~)Islam lady in Xi Ning? (Sorry David~)
1 comment:
Wah... Never tel you are going?
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