Basically, I never sleep well for whole night, and wake up very early (6am) by the 2 talkative workers that wash toilet in early morning. 9am, everyone is awake, we take turn to brush teeth and take bath in the only bathroom that has hot water. While waiting for other people to use the toilet, I am thinking of how to help Annike for her future trip. I wrote down a few sentences that commonly used during travel in Mandarin (with pronunciation), then translate it to English, hoping that she can use this during her trip.
According to our initial plan, we are supposed to find a travel agency and join their trip, so we can go through the Gan Nan area to reach Jiu Zhai Gou, which appear to be the fastest way. However, we heard many local Chinese saying that Gan Nan has many Tibetan settlements, so the Chinese government had stopped foreigners to enter this area, even we join trip of travel agency. Hence, we decided to take a time consuming way, which gurrantee us to reach Jiu Zhai Gou.
早晨兰州的街头 Street view of Lan Zhou in early morning
富师傅陪同我们到兰州火车站去买车票,一路上Annike还在斟酌着要如何走下一步。我告诉她,跟着我们走吧,去了九寨沟再回到成都,肯定会遇到更多西方背包客的。Annike 欣然答应了,就这样我们买了4张道江油的车票,然后吃早餐去。接着,我们送富师傅到泊车的地方,依依不舍的道别了。富师傅本来建议兜我们在兰州走一圈的,但考虑到我们已经耽搁他太多时间了,我们还是婉拒了。目送富师傅走后,我仿佛看到Annike眼含泪光。
Fu accompany us to Lan Zhou railway station to buy tickets. Annike still look undecided about her next trip, so I tell her, follow us. We can go Jiu Zhai Gou first, then Cheng Du, there will be more westereners in Cheng Du. She agreed happily, so finally we bought 4 tickets to Jiang You! After having a farewell breakfast, we accompany Fu to the place he park his car, then say good bye to him with heavy feeling. Fu offer to take us for final ride around Lan Zhou city, but we rejected him, because we already caused a lot of problems and delay to him in this trip. Finally, Fu left us. I thought I see Annike with some tears on her eyes.
There is still 4 hours before the train depart, so I suggest to walk along Yellow River, as it is desribed as the most beautiful place in Lan Zhou. We never enter the garden, because it is too expensive, and they never recognize foreign student card. It is indeed a great experience to walk along Yellow River. We see people playing a game called "Men Qiu", which is similar to hockey and golf. Annike seems very interested in it.
We sit on the grass after some walk, and had our fruits. It has been a long time I never sit down on the grass so quietly, normally I play football on the field, haha. It is very relaxing to sit on grass. I think I am describing to Annike how beautiful Jiu Zhai Gou is, and how are we going to spend the following days.
兰州的街头杂技?Show time in Lan Zhou street?
4pm, we have to leave Lan Zhou to continue our 20 hours journey to Jiang You.
I bet David and Sam like instant noodles very much. It seems like Sam always pick the one that taste bad, then she will robbed the good one from David, haha~~ So sweet.
我们乘搭的是新的火车,而且乘客不多,所以感觉不错。在火车上昏睡了一个的下午后,我们开始思量如何度过漫漫长夜了。Annike提议我们玩牌,于是就找了个空的上等卧铺车厢,玩起牌来了!我们开始教Annike玩“锄大D",却发现这个游戏不容易在短时间内掌握。后来Annike介绍了几个简单又好玩的游戏,如Cheat和Shit Head,我们玩得非常尽兴。有位四川老兄(忘了他从哪个地方来)就爱静静坐着看我们玩,还充当保镖帮我们打发前来干扰的火车服务员,呵呵。 后来乘客陆续多了,不能再霸占车厢了,我们只好回去乖乖睡觉。晚上10点,火车准时熄灯,我有预感我又要连续2天失眠了。
We are taking a new train, and there are not many passengers, so it is quite comfortable. We slept the whole afternoon, then start to figure out how we should spend our night time. Annike suggests to play card games, so we immediately find an empty luxurious carriage, and start our game. At first, we try to teach Annike how to play the famous game "Chor Dai D", but it is simply too complicated for a beginer to master it in short time. Annike teaches us a few fun and simple game, I especially like the "Cheat" and "Shit Head".
There is a man from Si Chuan enjoy a lot by seeing us playing the game. He even try to be our "body guard", help us to entertain anyone that request us to leave the carriage.We enjoy the game very much, but are forced to leave the carriage when new passengers start to flock in. 10pm, the light is off, we are forced to go to bed, but I have a feeling that this will be the 2nd day I can't sleep well.
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