Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Typical Malaysian Students

This is so called typical Malaysian Students....

I attended a briefing for a free course organized by MDEC, aimed to provide free education to employees and students around MSC. I was a bit disappointed for some attitudes shown by the students attended the briefing....

1) The speaker told us that we need to take a pre-test before starting the real class. What do you think a typical Malaysian student will ask? "How if i failed the test?", "The tests got marks or not? Will that affect my study?" Come on...a pre-test is just an evaluation on how well u know about the course you are going to take, so the speaker can prepare materials based on your level. There will be no pass/fail stuff in this occasion, why should we always think of marks, pass fail and grades? So, it shows that we are all too exam-oriented, everything is grade...Can't we take test in more open hearted way?

2) When the speaker asked us for the convenient time to start the class, she suggested we do it at every Friday after prayer time (around 2pm). Then 2 students objected on this suggestion...when they were asked why, the answer is "No reason".... Come on! If no reason why u object the suggested date? What is the attitude you show.....

3) Again, the same matters occupied half of the discussion. Many people not willing to spend their weekend for the courses, but weekday will clash with their study schedule, and at night will not be suitable for the speaker...so....Come on, we are sponsored to take the course, so please appreciate it. Can't sacrifice a few weekends for the sake of knowledge? We should not take things for granted, the organizer also have their own constraint.....

4) "What? Need to share classes with other IPTA? I don't want!" Come on..what's wrong to mix with others? Why we MUST do with only MMU student? For the sake of knowledge, there is nothing wrong to have classes with other IPTA, unless we were asked to travel to long distance. What happened to our dear Malaysian students?

Perhaps i am not judging this with a very rational mind, just some mumbles on the attitudes.


Chen Jie@陈杰 said...


Anonymous said...

1. 再過幾年,你讀着象棋的書,有一位學弟問你:“要考試啦?幾時考象棋?”

2. 這些人都對這些東西沒有熱誠的!還不趕他們回家!

4. 這不知是哪一年的學兄開始鼓吹的大MMU主義遺留下來的“遺產”。MMU,so what?!